Sunday, December 13, 2009

Day 2 of the 12 Days of Christmas Savings!!

I am sitting here watching football and eating Christmas this is how you spend a day off!!!! Thanks Kendra.

I have thought about it all day long, what should we put on sale tomorrow and I have come up with a ton of ideas, but we have to narrow it down for you don't we?

American Crafts cardstock, 12x12 single sheets will be 5/1.00...that is more than 50% off. The regular price is .50 a sheet...this will be in stock paper only, no special orders and while supplies last.

See you Monday the 14th



  1. Sure... after I bought some today you have it on sale... Guess I will just have to buy more tomorrow...

  2. Where is the picture that we took with you in it, Cathy. Do I hear the sound of cluck cluck?
